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Lee Chapel Primary School

"This school believes in finding the magic in every child."
"Education at this school is truly exceptional"
Ofsted: Outstanding

Aspire Believe Achieve

Welcome to Lee ChapelPrimary School

Aspire, Believe, Achieve

These three words are at the heart of everything at Lee Chapel Primary School.

We encourage children to aspire to be anything they want, believe wholeheartedly that they can do it and achieve their goals through hard work and perseverance. This website will give you a glimpse of what our truly “Outstanding” school has to offer our children. Alternatively, you are always welcome to visit!

Mrs S. Jackson


welcome photo

What does Ofsted think of our school?

  • Education at this school is truly exceptional - they believe in finding the magic in every child.
  • Pupils love attending school and it is easy to see why.
  • The school is remarkably well led at all levels and sharp attention to details offer the best possible education.
  • They focus on removing barriers, and building pupils’ independence.
  • Excellent care, guidance and support, combined with a rich curriculum promote very high standards in pupil's personal development and well-being.

We will be holding School Tours for our September 2025 Reception Intake on the following dates and times:


Thursday 17th October - 9:00am (fully booked) & 10:00am

Thursday 7th November - 9:00am (fully booked) & 10:00am

Wednesday 13th November - 9:00am & 10:00am 

Wednesday 20th November - 9:00am & 10:00am 


If you would like to book onto a tour, please contact the School Office on 01268 474177 or admin@leechapel.essex.sch.uk and include the following information:


Your Name

Your Child's Name

Your Child's Date of Birth

A Contact Telephone Number

Preferred Date and Time

Please also indicate if you will be bringing an additional adult with you, as numbers are limited.


We would politely ask that no children are brought to these tours, so that you can fully concentrate on all the information given to you by your tour leader . 

The tour will include visits to the Reception classrooms with lessons taking place.

 If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.


We look forward to welcoming you to Lee Chapel Primary School & Nursery!