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Lee Chapel Primary School

"This school believes in finding the magic in every child."
"Education at this school is truly exceptional"
Ofsted: Outstanding


What is the vision of Computing at Lee Chapel?

At Lee Chapel we believe that technology is at the forefront of Education, as such it is imperative that we provide an environment, plentiful in technology and the opportunities it provides, in order to prepare our pupils for a world where they will use it every day.


Our aim is to provide a broad curriculum, rich in the use of technology to enhance learning. Enabling our pupils to become adept at using a wide range of hardware and software; with an emphasis on Coding. Embracing the Teach Computing scheme of work, adapted where needed to facilitate the needs of the pupils, gives a broad and balanced curriculum. In addition, we want the children to understand the dangers that technology brings and provide a safe environment where we talk about the dangers of using the internet.


At Lee Chapel, our expectations for Computing:

  • From Year 1 to Year 6, every pupil has a minimum of one hour a week in one of our two ICT suites, taught by our Director of Computing or ICT Instructor (includes EYFS from Summer Term).
  • Internet Safety Day once per academic year
  • Opportunities for Cross-Curricular activities involving Computing resources.


  Alongside this, each year group has their own set of iPads, loaded with educational APPS and we use Augmented reality and Virtual reality across the school to promote engagement and deepen understanding. Pupils work is stored on the server and the teachers are able to review and assess it using a robust assessment programme. Pupils are encouraged to extend their knowledge outside of school and we provide additional opportunities, with Computer clubs for Years 1-6.


Pupils enjoy their Computing lessons and leave Lee Chapel equipped with the skills to be able to access technology at a higher level. They have an excellent knowledge of Coding and the majority leave having made accelerated progress in the subject; giving them a firm foundation as they enter Secondary education. They fully understand the need to stay safe online and how to report incidents should they need to.

Mr B Marck

Computing Lead

Computing Progression Map  

Computing News Letters 

Online Safety