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Lee Chapel Primary School

"This school believes in finding the magic in every child."
"Education at this school is truly exceptional"
Ofsted: Outstanding


What is the vision of Art at Lee Chapel?


Our vision for Art at Lee Chapel is for children to be given opportunities to explore ideas by experimenting and creating their own works of art through using a wide range of materials, media and techniques. We aim for high quality work, and strive to provide a creative environment where children can reach their full potential, celebrating personal achievements and recognising strengths of themselves and of others. They will learn about great artists and designers and understand how art reflects and shapes our history.



At Lee Chapel, our expectations for Art:

  • Art lessons for an hour a week
  • Pupils to learn about one artist per term
  • After school clubs

Art at Lee Chapel is taught by the class teacher from Reception to Year 2 moving on, in Year 3, to a weekly session in the purpose-built art studio with a specialist art teacher. They will learn about great artists, beginning with a short biography then onto the artists’ works. Using the artists’ works as inspiration, the children will imitate the style of the artist using an assortment of media. Children are encouraged to critique and evaluate their own work and that of others.



Children at Lee Chapel enjoy their art lessons. Their work is celebrated by being proudly put on display around the school and in the art studio. They are always keen to learn new skills and techniques, to work hard and perfect any techniques that they have been shown. Through our Art provision at Lee Chapel we believe the children are equipped with the knowledge and skills to enable them to progress with their love of art in Secondary school and beyond.


Art Lead

Art Progression Map