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Lee Chapel Primary School

"This school believes in finding the magic in every child."
"Education at this school is truly exceptional"
Ofsted: Outstanding

Design Technology

What is the vision of Design & Technology at Lee Chapel? 



Our vision for D&T at Lee Chapel Primary School is to develop creative thinkers and problem solvers, to equip our children with analytical skills and knowledge so that they can identify needs and opportunities. Through D&T at Lee Chapel, children will also experience and develop a wide range of practical skills, ultimately enabling them to make positive changes to their quality of life and prepare them to engage with the world beyond school life.   



To ensure that high quality Design and Technology lessons are being delivered, the school ensures teachers have strong subject knowledge, experience in building/designing their own product and that the resources required to deliver a broad and engaging curriculum are provided. 


Key Stage 1 & 2 – 5 hours each term (research, planning, creating and evaluating)  

Foundation Stage colleagues interweave knowledge and understanding of the world into every aspect of their curriculum. 

Engineering Club – Goblin Car Club (children build a kit go-cart and design and create body work in order to race and compete in an inter-school competition. 


Recording of research, planning and evaluations, as well as a picture of the finished article are a minimum requirement for each product. Research is to be documented in books though the use of images. All projects will be researched to show a greater understanding of existing products on the market as well as supporting the design process.  



Children are passionate about and fully engage with Design and Technology at Lee Chapel.  The products created by the children are of high quality and show a broad range of practical skills being taught.  Progression in the children’s understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues, as well as functions and industrial practices are evidenced in the Topic books through their product planning and evaluative comments as is progression in their evaluative skills.  Staff work together to ensure enthusiasm of children remains high by analysing and improving projects and areas studied.  


Design and Technology Subject Leader 


Design and Technology Progression Map