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Lee Chapel Primary School

"This school believes in finding the magic in every child."
"Education at this school is truly exceptional"
Ofsted: Outstanding


What is the vision of PSHE at Lee Chapel?


Our vision at Lee Chapel Primary School is for all children to develop an understanding of the ever-changing world in which we live. Developing the skills necessary to take an active role in their community and manage their life effectively. Planning and teaching of PSHE follows the Discovery Education Scheme of Work which covers six different topics. Within our SoW we teach RSE (Relationships & Sex Education) which is intertwined within our PSHE curriculum. The six topics are as follows:


  1. Happy & Healthy Friendships
  2. Coping with Change
  3. Families & Committed Relationships
  4. Healthy body, Healthy Minds
  5. Our Similarities & Differences
  6. Caring & Responsibility



At Lee Chapel, our expectations for PSHE:

  • To be taught every week
  • To be recorded at least once per half term.
  • To be taught by the class teacher or other suitable teaching practitioner (not LSA)
  • Through specialist PSHE days/weeks such as: Autism awareness day, Safer Internet Day etc.
  • PSHE is also covered throughout the school through the use of assemblies.



The PSHE teaching across Lee Chapel is broad and enriching which enables all children to make excellent progress. The teaching encompasses various areas from well-being to finance and ensures the children are well-rounded individuals that are prepared for the next phase in their life and throughout their education and beyond.


PSHE Subject Lead

PSHE Progression Map