What is the vision of PSHE at Lee Chapel?
Our vision at Lee Chapel Primary School is for all children to develop an understanding of the ever-changing world in which we live, developing the skills necessary to take an active role in their community and manage their life effectively. It is our intent to provide a balanced and broad curriculum that enables our children to make healthy choices in order to promote their personal health and wellbeing.
Planning and teaching of PSHE follows the Discovery Education Scheme of Work which covers six different topics. Within our SoW we teach RSE (Relationships & Sex Education) which is intertwined within our PSHE curriculum. Currently, the six topics are delivered at different times for each year group across the academic year. From September 2024, this will be the structure for all year groups:
- Happy & Healthy Friendships (Autumn 1)
- Our Similarities & Differences (Autumn 2)
- Caring & Responsibility (Spring 1)
- Families & Committed Relationships (Spring 2)
- Healthy body, Healthy Minds (Summer 1)
- Coping with Change (Summer 2)
Teaching the same topic across the whole school will be beneficial due to Lee Chapel being able to focus on particular aspects of learning or topics as part of a whole-school approach, or to emphasise specific behaviours, values, vocabulary, etc. across the school.
At Lee Chapel, PSHE should be embedded across the whole of the school curriculum in which every class and year group follows the Discovery Education Scheme of Work. In addition to lessons, independent assemblies for upper school and lower school take place at least once a week and are based upon Social Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEALS) themes as well as more explicit British Values, religious and cultural celebrations and events.
Specialists and outside agencies may at times deliver important lessons during assemblies and circle time and include (but not limited to) fire brigade, police, coastguards, local community projects and groups including religious organisations.
PSHE is taught weekly at Lee Chapel and is recorded at least once per half term. The lessons are taught by the class teacher or other suitable teaching practitioners. Across the year, specialist PSHE days/weeks are held: Safer Internet Week, Anti-Bullying Week and Mental Health Day are to name a few.
The PSHE teaching across Lee Chapel is broad and enriching which enables all children to make excellent progress. Through the implementation of our PSHE policy, children will have a greater understanding of our world by teaching them skills like perseverance, conflict resolution, self-management and teamwork. A well-delivered PSHE programme is far more than the sum of its individual topics. The key underpinning skills – for example managing risk and developing self-reflections – apply whether the focus is on sex and relationships or how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
PSHE Subject Leader