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Lee Chapel Primary School

"This school believes in finding the magic in every child."
"Education at this school is truly exceptional"
Ofsted: Outstanding

SMSC - Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural Education including British Values


What is the vision of SMSC at Lee Chapel?



In Lee Chapel we aim to develop knowledge, skills and attributes which will keep children healthy, safe and importantly prepare them for life and work in the modern world. As well as the timetabled lessons (topic), the whole school takes part in anti-bullying events, Black History Month, multicultural week and celebration of faith week whilst also taking the time to celebrate inspirational female figures from around the world.



Teaching SMSC encompasses cultural identities, religious beliefs, exploring different faiths as well as British Values. Our high expectations in our books are exactly the same as the high expectations in every other lesson.

  • British values will be recorded termly and SMSC can be found in numerous lessons in our rich and balanced curriculum.
  • Termly moral assemblies are delivered to the children.
  • In Autumn term we celebrate Black History Month, looking closely at inspirational black figures, past and present.
  • In Spring term we celebrate influential women from around the world looking at their achievements and exploring their lives.
  • In Summer term we look at Diversity in our Community, exploring and celebrating the plethora of cultures and faiths that make up our school, bringing the range of communities around us to create one large Lee Chapel community.



The progress made by our children is very clear. From KS1 to KS2 the children are able to articulate the British Values and what they meant to them. Furthermore, the children are ready for the wider world after learning and embracing important life skills. For instance, how to behave morally in certain situations.


SMSC Subject Leaders