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Lee Chapel Primary School

"This school believes in finding the magic in every child."
"Education at this school is truly exceptional"
Ofsted: Outstanding

Terms of Office

Name Position / Appointed by  Date of Appointment Term of Office End of Term of Office
Mrs Sue Jackson Ex-officio
Mr Dermot Kavanagh  Governor / Appointed by Governors
01/08/2011 4 years 31/10/2025
Mr Mike Betteridge Governor / Appointed by Governors

01/08/2011 4 years 31/10/2025
Mr Tim Johnson Governor / Appointed by Governors 01/08/2011 4 years 31/10/2025
Mr Keith Hill Governor / Appointed by Governors 01/08/2011 4 years 31/10/2025
Mr Steve Wynn Governor / Appointed by Governors 01/08/2011 4 years 31/10/2025
Mrs Sandy Tomlinson

Governor / Appointed by Governors

Vice Chair

22/05/2019 4 years 28/02/2027
Mrs Julie Bird Governor / Appointed by Governors 01/08/2011 4 years 31/10/2025
Mrs Lisa Hill Staff Governor 01/08/2011 4 years 31/10/2025
Mr Shiven Chetty Staff Governor 5/10/2022 4 years 31/10/2026