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Lee Chapel Primary School

"This school believes in finding the magic in every child."
"Education at this school is truly exceptional"
Ofsted: Outstanding

Welcome to our Nursery


Our staff would like to welcome you to Lee Chapel Nursery. 

At Lee Chapel Primary the aim of the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ is to ensure that all children are given the opportunity to reach their full potential educationally, emotionally and physically.

About Us 

Lee Chapel Nursery caters for children aged from 2 to 4, across four rooms; ‘Woodland’, ‘Ocean’, ‘Jungle’ and ‘Polar’ Rooms. Our teams of highly experienced and friendly staff have a passion for working with children and forge excellent relationships with both children and parents. We devise exciting and engaging playful learning opportunities to suit the needs of all of our pupils and cover the seven areas of learning as set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. Our high expectations and desire to help all children to achieve their best, helps prepare our children for their next stage of education. 

Our Daily Routine 

The clear structure of the day prepares children for their time in school. We start our day with circle time where we sing songs and share stories, amongst many other activities. We play and explore both inside the classroom and in our garden area, where the children have lots of opportunities to choose what to play as well as being involved in directed activities. We place great emphasis on the importance of snack times and lunchtimes, where the children are encouraged to have conversations with their friends and with the staff. We promote independence by allowing children to select drinks or food and in serving themselves. Throughout the day, we relish any opportunity to share stories with the children. We love to hear about the children’s achievements at home and welcome parents to send in ‘Wow Tokens’ so we can celebrate each child’s successes (WOW Tokens). 



Our Early Years curriculum aims to give children the breadth of knowledge and experience which will allow them to progress to the next phase of their education confidently, with the skills required to be successful. Planning is carefully sequenced to build on children’s prior knowledge and experiences and to give opportunities that deepen their understanding. 

(Curriculum forecast